“Be Yourself Because Everyone Else Is……..Already Taken.”

Some people live their entire lives, trying to be someone else, wondering why they just can’t seem to be happy, why they feel like a square peg, trying to squeeze into a round hole, frustrated with trying to fit in, to be like everyone else.
You were born to be…..You. With a set of qualities, skills, attributes, and gifts that nobody else in the history of the world has.
You are made in a manner that might be similar to other people, but never duplicated exactly….even if you are an identical twin.
My Twin Sons at times are almost impossible to tell apart by the people they meet, however once you get to know them they couldn’t be more different. Even being born together, with the same DNA, growing up side by side, sleeping in the same room every night, going to the same school, attending the same activities, hanging out with the same friends they each have a unique perspective, are gifted with different abilities, and have a unique message to share with the world.
Most likely the things that make you special are the things that you are the most afraid to share with the world. Embrace, what makes you different, pursue the things that capture your imagination. Don’t worry about what other people say or think. Live life on your terms, not anyone else’s. You will never find your Greatness looking through someone else’s eyes!
Today is the day to be You, to be Bold, and Live your Life. Get Up, Get Out, and Get Moving!

Joshua Page,